Tuesday, May 31, 2011

tattoo gone wrong

tattoo gone wrong. Lil Wayne Tattoo Gone Wrong…
  • Lil Wayne Tattoo Gone Wrong…

  • batchtaster
    May 3, 09:59 PM
    >mfw tough guy thinks he can write/draw with his sausage fingers

    So.... many.... lines......... about......... my fingers...................... I..... will....... resist.

    tattoo gone wrong. What does getting a tattoo
  • What does getting a tattoo

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 08:42 PM
    Can't the police get a warrant for the IP address? I think if they have a warrant above their heads they might "find" a IP address. All the information they get from a xbox or 360 that gets on XBL they HAVE to know the IP.

    Well, I guess Microsoft thinks they are above the law (what else is new) and claims they don't have to give out the info to anyone. I'm not sure if the cops are able to get a suppena for Microsoft's info.

    This post is on Digg, we are trying to get some attention from Microsoft. If you have a Digg.com account, Digg it! http://digg.com/gaming_news/Stolen_Xbox_360_Microsoft_refuses_to_assist_police

    tattoo gone wrong. Looking for unique Tattoos?
  • Looking for unique Tattoos?

  • p8ntballguy
    Oct 10, 10:41 PM
    ...and an integrated spell-checker! :D

    lol yea....like i said, it was quickly done....fixed:

    tattoo gone wrong. Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.
  • Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 10:13 AM
    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:

    whoops, I forgot america is slowly turning into france

    I mean ... Yay for gay people are special and the best :D

    tattoo gone wrong. Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.
  • Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.

  • ABG
    Apr 8, 08:03 AM
    Applaud the choice! Type or specs?

    Thanks. Its just a standard Audi TT Roadster 2.0TFSI Black Edition.
    Bose sound system and 19" Anthracite alloys are the main extras over the S-Line.

    tattoo gone wrong. Tattoos gone wrong: when
  • Tattoos gone wrong: when

  • WildCowboy
    Jan 5, 09:35 AM
    There is also no guarantee that the link will be active during the keynote (aka live) .

    Oh, no...I don't think much of anyone expects there to be live coverage. They did away with that some time ago. But the QT archived video should be up within a few hours after the keynote ends.

    tattoo gone wrong. really bad tattoos. star trail
  • really bad tattoos. star trail

  • Stella
    Jul 21, 09:21 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.

    tattoo gone wrong. tattoo gone wrong. Tattoos gone wrong: the very; Tattoos gone wrong: the very. Killyp. Jan 10, 04:09 PM
  • tattoo gone wrong. Tattoos gone wrong: the very; Tattoos gone wrong: the very. Killyp. Jan 10, 04:09 PM

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 03:56 PM
    I award the l. Fashion design award to the big grey box at the top of this thread. Would look nice on my desk.

    tattoo gone wrong. Tattoos Gone Wrong
  • Tattoos Gone Wrong

  • PurrBall
    Apr 30, 08:26 PM
    Remember what Steve said. PC's as we use today will be like trucks. Yes they will be around but nobody, not you nor me are going to use them.

    Me and most everyone I know owns a truck..

    tattoo gone wrong. a tattoo gone wrong.
  • a tattoo gone wrong.

  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:11 PM
    This totally reminds me of when capitalism goes too far...

    tattoo gone wrong. Tattoos gone wrong: illegal
  • Tattoos gone wrong: illegal

  • MrSmith
    Mar 28, 07:01 PM
    Gasoline used to cost .25 a gallon. :rolleyes:
    *Pain in foot*

    tattoo gone wrong. tattoo gone wrong. tattoo#39;s
  • tattoo gone wrong. tattoo#39;s

  • dukebound85
    Jan 10, 09:35 PM
    Wow- imagine if someone had the button pressing capability of shifting to Steve's next slide during his keynote. He's building suspense, toying with us, and bam. Revealed. On to next slide, hold, next slide, finally A/V guy turns projector off.
    No SDK for you! 1 year!

    i would be a tad upset

    tattoo gone wrong. tattoo gone wrong.
  • tattoo gone wrong.

  • Chris Bangle
    Oct 14, 09:04 AM
    Im hoping and I think that there will be a new ipod by december.. but lack of ipods at a retailer doesnt signify anything... John Lewis and Amazon every so often run very low on stock, but releases never follow. An example of this, which I mae a big fus about was during either WWDC or the hi-f1 launch, or probably both when shipping dates were 4 weeks or somthing.... But there were no updates...

    Also I think that apple will sell the full screen one alongside the 30/80gb ones, so there will be no reson for the lack of 30/80gbs... The fullscreen one wont replace the present one.

    tattoo gone wrong. tattoo gone wrong.
  • tattoo gone wrong.

  • Unspeaked
    Mar 24, 04:37 PM
    Can anyone remember the name of the iTunes player in the pic from 2001? it had LOADS of skins and the particular one in the pic! used to sink into the desktop when you clicked the screen or on another program, does anyone know if they brought it back to life? I miss that player SOOOOO MUCHHHHH :(

    I think that's Audion.


    tattoo gone wrong. tattoo gone wrong. tattoos
  • tattoo gone wrong. tattoos

  • quagmire
    May 5, 09:27 AM
    You must not read the news much. Or check out the robbery, rape, and murder statistics for your town. But I'll bet you're a nice friendly guy, and you live in the nice part of town, so it couldn't possibly happen to you, am I right? :rolleyes:

    The better question here, is why do you feel so immune to violent crime?

    Why are you using fear as part of your argument? I shouldn't have to have a gun on me to feel safe in my community. It's not saying I feel immune to crime, but fear of crime shouldn't drive a person.

    At any rate, I don't think anyone here is going to argue the self-defense aspect of guns. Some people just don't understand the gun culture of this country.

    Are you also confused about our obsessions with free speech? freedom of religion? or freedom of the press perhaps? Because those are protected in the Bill of Rights as well. Guns however, are unique in that they are the only material object, the only physical thing, that the Bill of Rights expressly protects ownership of. So we don't take to kindly to confused legislators who would try and take them away, or place unusual restrictions on that right.

    So not understanding the gun culture in this country means we are against the 2nd amendment? Having the right to own guns and the gun culture are two separate matters, IMHO. I believe in the right to bear arms, but I don't understand the gun culture.

    tattoo gone wrong. GUCCI TATTOO GONE WRONG.

  • b166er
    Mar 17, 05:51 PM
    I am constantly berated by some of my friends because I have an iPhone. Yet every time they go to show me a video or something from the web on their droids, their phones crash and reboot. I know not ALL android devices are like that, but every time I see that happen it just reminds me of the benefits of having your software and hardware designed by the same company.

    the iPhone is definitely not for everyone, but I have no complaints.

    tattoo gone wrong. Would you get a food tattoo,
  • Would you get a food tattoo,

  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 02:38 PM
    sorry about the spoiler in the ticker guys

    I'm sitting here trying to do updates... that one was a mistake on my part.

    Really sorry. I removed it. we'll still post the link when it comes.


    Thanks Arn, the people who did see it gave warning to us all.

    tattoo gone wrong. Star Tattoos Gone Wrong
  • Star Tattoos Gone Wrong

  • Cloudane
    Jan 27, 07:00 PM
    Good idea...

    In terms of new stuff I think just the thin portable, as that's the only thing there's been any leaks/evidence for (the leaks usually have everything covered!)

    The thin portable was a duh. Wasn't much else introduced, just the NAS thing. 8/10 then...

    Other than that, refreshes - in order of likelihood: MBP refresh with the new keyboard (even tho I think it'd look a bit odd if it's white), 16GB iPhone (not 3G yet), Glossy ACD option, Cheap ACD option (watch for the gradients and poor quality!), MacBook refresh, maybe some tweak to the ATV, maybe a non Glossy iMac option (just to wind up those who bought an iMac and dislike it!).

    The one I said was the most likely didn't happen. No iPhone update, no ACDs, no MacBook refresh, correct on the ATV tweak, no non-glossy iMac.
    let's give that 2/10..

    Things I don't expect them to update: the iMac (already done recently), the Mac Mini (ditto and they don't like updating it), or any of the iPods (also too soon) or the Mac Pro or XServe (that would be silly, and the place would get firebombed)

    10/10 there :p

    tattoo gone wrong. Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.
  • Star Tattoos Gone Wrong.

  • coder12
    Mar 24, 04:39 PM
    :) And in one year, OS XI will be released, on OS X's 11th birthday? One can dream.

    I still remember using my iBook g3 with 10.1... those were the days!

    Electro Funk
    Oct 28, 05:20 PM
    Logic Pro 7 has yet to be cracked, so Apple has people who know how to do copyright protection. I suspect Leopard will employ very strong TPM integration compared to Tiger.

    a quick look at google will show you that Logic Pro 7 has definately been cracked... ;)

    Oct 3, 12:14 AM
    It must be nice to have the blueprints to your house publicized all over. :rolleyes:

    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    Yeah, I preferred the iOS scrollbars, and the slider buttons. I know, developers hate change.

    Oct 17, 09:30 AM
    It's VHS vs. BETAMAX all over again. Hopefully this time, the superior technology will prevail.

    You know, I was going to suggest that, but I figured it would be over the heads of most of the folks in this forum. Needless to say, we're both grandpa's (grandma's) around here.

    Similar characterstics to that format war. Betamax (Blu-Ray) has superior image quality, but VHS (HD DVD) is cheaper to produce. Ultimately, production costs may be the deciding factor in this war. Backward compatibility with (SD) DVD is a nice added bonus, if the manufacturers put decent upconverters into the boxes. What's up with Sony and it's effing production line anyway? Delays, delays, delays. They're full of it these days.

    On the way in to work this morning, I was thinking that HD DVD is about to win this war. If PS3 tanks, Blu-Ray may be lost forever.

    Ger Teunis
    Apr 29, 03:15 PM

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