Monday, May 30, 2011

naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan

naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Group Information: Akatsuki
  • Group Information: Akatsuki

  • MrSmith
    Jan 11, 07:13 PM
    I think the "hilarious" part must have slipped me by. :confused:

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. naruto shippuden akatsuki
  • naruto shippuden akatsuki

  • lax33
    Sep 12, 10:08 AM
    I see everyone has been wondering about content should Apple offer movie downloads via iTunes. How coincidental is it that Lionsgate made a statement recently about iTunes offering movie downloads in the near future. Lionsgate also has one of the largest film libraries and has been rumored as a potential takeover in recent months as well.

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Hidan Wallpaper
  • Hidan Wallpaper

  • Mooey
    Mar 23, 05:09 AM
    So last night I was checking my email after work and my computer makes a weird beep. I realized that the sound is made by Connect360 when a connection is made to an Xbox. I opened the program and it says my 360 is connected and media is being shared with it. This means that whoever stole my 360 is still in range of my wireless network.

    Got in my car with my laptop and found the range on my network is a bit larger than I had expected. About 8-10 houses on my block get at least some signal from my network

    This morning at 5am, my 360 connected to the network again and I decided to take a walk around the neighboorhood to see who was awake. I found two houses within range of my network that had a blue glow in the window from a TV. When the 360 was disconnected from the network about 30 mins later, I walked back around and there was one house that no longer had the TV on.

    I'm going to call the police department and talk to the officer that has been handling my case. I'm pretty sure I don't have enough information for them to get a search warrant but I'm getting more confident about actually getting my 360 back than I was three days ago.

    Bust some balls, HOOAH!

    It's like CSI for gamers, lol.

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Naruto Shippuden: Hidan#39;s
  • Naruto Shippuden: Hidan#39;s

  • twoodcc
    Apr 28, 09:24 PM
    I thought about that, getting one cpu now and getting another one down the road, but the board was only $200 ( in this case maybe 2 systems would be better than one - if I get another one down the road or if Apple EVER gets around to making a new Mac Pro :rolleyes:

    well, 2 systems would be better than one, if you can afford it.

    let's see

    dual cpu:
    - 2 x i7 980x - $2,000
    - motherboard - $600
    - 12 GB of RAM - about $300
    - powersupply - about $120

    total - about $3,020

    single cpu:
    - i7 980x - $1,000
    - motherboard - $200
    - 6 GB of RAM - about $150
    - powersupply - about $80

    total - about $1430 x 2 = $2,860

    so 2 systems might actually be cheaper. i didn't put a case, since with the big $600 motherboard, it won't fit in most cases. and i assume you already have gpus


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Hidan Akatsuki Ring from
  • Hidan Akatsuki Ring from

  • thesdx
    Jan 9, 04:33 PM
    What I want:

    - Ultra-Portable Subnotebook
    - Updated Apple TV
    - Movie Rentals
    - Mac OS X 10.5.2
    - 3G iPhone w/1.1.3
    - Official SDK

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. naruto shippuden akatsuki
  • naruto shippuden akatsuki

  • Cynicalone
    Apr 29, 02:05 PM
    iCal still looks terrible.

    Much quicker update than the last one for me.

    I think the realistic minimal RAM requirements will move to 4GB with Lion. Installing on an older MacBook with 2GB of RAM has proven that Lion loves RAM and Beachballs :) .

    It is fairly stable for a "Beta/Preview" build though and seems to be closer to being ready to ship.


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Naruto Akatsuki Hidan Robe
  • Naruto Akatsuki Hidan Robe

  • macintel4me
    Oct 11, 02:48 AM
    cover flow is going to look great on the ipod cinema. with cell under the hood the downloading games fom you wii will be easy.

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. [Naruto Shippuuden Akatsuki]
  • [Naruto Shippuuden Akatsuki]

  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 15, 03:19 PM
    Gay suffrage? Wow i never knew gays were denied the right to vote! :eek:

    Totally off topic, but I started this thread, so I can!

    Did you ever see that Man Show video when the guys set up a table and tried to get women to sign a petition to end women's suffrage? A lot of them did, too!


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. naruto shippuden akatsuki
  • naruto shippuden akatsuki

  • balamw
    Apr 27, 05:32 PM
    One favor, I'm not answering more quiz questions, I get your point.. I still need to learn more fundamentals.. I get it, just please contribute with the thread to find solutions or not.. (there are many Professional Forums).

    You clearly have not read the two articles I linked back in post #20

    You don't "get it".

    The "quiz questions" are necessary because we don't know what it is you know or think you know. We can't read your mind. This is how information is exchanged and we can come to the appropriate level or explanation to be able to help you. It can also help you find the answer yourself by talking through it.

    Helping you help yourself is the best way we know how to contribute to the thread.

    We've all been there, even the hard-core pros. Sometimes you just can't see the answer that is right in front of your eyes until you try explaining it so someone else.

    Please answer this question which I posed earlier in the thread. What books, sites, videos, etc... have you been using to get you to this point and what additional resources are you looking to delve into next.

    Given the things it is clear you don't understand, picking the right resources to use to learn the fundamentals you are missing is quite important.

    EDIT: Finally, just a comment, PhoneyDeveloper pointed out that you had a parallel thread on the Apple Discussion forums. JMHO, but that's poor netiquette and is a waste of both your time and ours. At least link the two conversations, so folks don't end up repeating what someone else said on the other forum. Even just to say "someone over at the Apple Discussion Fourms (link) suggested ..."


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. by ~Akatsuki-Fan-Hidan on
  • by ~Akatsuki-Fan-Hidan on

  • flir67
    Nov 16, 12:44 PM
    this is bull, noway....

    but amd would be cheaper I bet...


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate; Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate. edifyingGerbil. Apr 24, 06:20 PM
  • naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate; Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate. edifyingGerbil. Apr 24, 06:20 PM

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Oct 3, 07:25 PM
    Man, that is a crummy little house...
    Humm? Silicon Valley standards if I ever saw one. I live in the neighboring town (Portola Valley), which is essentially the same as Woodside, and hence know many homes in the area (including the one I live in).
    You're qualified to make this statement because you're rich! Awesome credentials!

    And by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub? This honestly doesn't look like a place where a man of his caliber would be living full-time. Of course his house in Palo Alto isn't huge, either, but at least it is charming, historic, enchanted.
    Value judgement.

    He has a number of kids, so I'm not sure how they would all fit into this small space with their friends when, e.g., everyone comes home for summers, holidays, etc. Typical houses for higher level people in the Woodside area would have at least 6-7 bedrooms, a bathroom for each bedroom, plus several additional half bathrooms, and probably about 10,000 squ. ft."Higher level people?" Who are you? Does above average wealth make them more deserving or special or some robotic superhuman that immediately "needs" more of everything? Some "higher level people" aren't elitist consumers like you seem to think.

    Only thing that makes sense to me is that he would view this as his retirement house since it'll only be done ~5 years, anyway. And I suppose for retirement people like to keep it small and simple. That would make sense to me and might hint at when he might be planning on retiring.
    Ahhh. I see.

    . . .

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Hidan-Akatsuki-Ring-from-
  • Hidan-Akatsuki-Ring-from-

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 6, 07:18 PM
    Apple makes what?


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Hidan Akatsuki Profile
  • Hidan Akatsuki Profile

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 8, 12:43 PM
    The problem with the US is out transportation system was never laid out for a good mass transit. We have massive urban sprawl and no real way solve that problem. Add in the fact that rail systems were never designed into the system so retrofitting them is will be very costly and very difficult to do.

    We have plenty of rail, and we are building more. The problem is that people don't ride it. Just as we have plenty of fuel efficient cars, and more are coming to market - but people are still buying SUVs. We [rightly] blame oil companies for being grasping and short-sighted. But consumers also bear much of the blame.

    As for the mass eletric cars I think you pass over my point about how most of them will be charged at night during off peak hours which means for the most part the grid can take a a huge number of them before we will start having a real issue.

    It still would not even begin to handle the strain generated by millions of new electric cars suddenly appearing in driveways across America. Large-scale adoption of electric cars would just make coal and oil get burned faster by power companies. Yes, power plants are more efficient than most cars in producing energy. But we are still burning fossil fuels and polluting. Also, has anyone done a study to compare the true efficiency of the best full electrics vs an efficient, equivalent diesel or gas car? For example, given an identical amount of oil, which vehicle uses it more efficiently? A diesel hatchback or an electric that gets it's juice from a power plant burning oil? I'd be curious to see the results. I'm not trying to sound skeptical - I just don't know what the comparison would reveal.

    We need something to replace the use of gas. Hybrids I will say are a great thing to bridge between our combustion engine and what ever is next. Things like the volt I think are the best examples of the bridge because we just need to replace the power generator and that is fairly easy to do compared to having to figure out some other type of engine to move the car. We have electric motors that we can advance for moving.

    GM's European arm Opel created a concept diesel series hybrid, the stupidly named Flextreme (, which promises dramatically improved fuel economy over the Volt. I just feel like any series hybrid that uses a gasoline engine is a foolishly crippled piece of technology when appropriate diesels are available and would deliver far superior fuel economy.

    Reducing our usage of fuel I would argue is a dead end tech. All it will do is delay the problem but not solve it. Hybrids bridge us to the solution.

    Reducing our fuel consumption is not a solution, but it is the first crucial step in bridging the gap between fossil fuels and whatever alternative we develop. We need time to transition, and if everyone practices conservation we buy more time to transition.

    As yet, no hybrids on the market outperform straight diesel engined cars consistently, so the hybrid concept is still very much in its infancy. I have yet to be convinced, especially with the cost and [lack of efficiency] of the battery packs. They may ultimately meet expectations, but they haven't yet.

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Itachi and Hidan
  • Itachi and Hidan

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 07:34 AM
    Even the Norwegian iTunes store is down...

    I didn't expect that, after the last couple of months controversies here... :confused:


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. give it back, hidan!
  • give it back, hidan!

  • Evangelion
    Nov 17, 11:22 AM
    AMD doesn't have a competitive notebook CPU and can't deliver in the scale Apple needs.

    yes they could. We are not talking about zillion CPU's here. AMD could satisfy Apple's demands just fine.

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Naruto Akatsuki Hidan Robe
  • Naruto Akatsuki Hidan Robe

  • ZilogZ80
    Mar 17, 06:32 AM
    You're classy.

    I hope karma greets you tomorrow morning with a swift kick in the mouth.
    Not to condone OP's actions in any way, but karma isn't real.
    People should conduct themselves according to their moral code, not out of fear that the universe will somehow reward or punish them. This is the 21st century, it's time mankind grew up and took some personal responsibility. There is no "higher power" judging our actions.


    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Tags : Hidan Hidan akatsuki
  • Tags : Hidan Hidan akatsuki

  • Hastings101
    May 3, 10:31 PM
    I want that voice-over guy to read me bedtime stories.

    I think most people would agree with that statement

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Hidan
  • Hidan

  • ziggyonice
    May 3, 11:54 PM
    I got chills.

    Nice work, Apple! Now do the same thing to your iPhone ads.
    (And Mac ads, for that matter.)

    naruto shippuden akatsuki hidan. Akatsuki Hidan wallpaper
  • Akatsuki Hidan wallpaper

  • Woodcrest64
    Apr 6, 10:46 AM
    I like both Windows 7 and OSX 10.6.7 right now.

    What I don't like about Windows 7 is the registry.

    and what I don't like about OSX is the UI is starting to look old and that there is no native AVCHD support.

    I don't think MS is going to get rid of the registry in Windows 8 but I can hope that they do. I also don't think Apple will make a major UI change with their OS until OS 11 but I have been wrong before.

    Apple could very well be holding out until its final preview to show off some radical new UI changes.

    Apr 29, 03:44 PM
    I like it as it is in Snow Leopard.

    Nov 26, 07:00 AM
    Bought my new Macbook early on Friday. I still haven't gotten a confirm e-mail?! Are they slow about shipping:confused:

    Aug 7, 09:44 PM
    I think the Volt is a technological dead-end given the steep US$41,000 price
    What does the price have to do with the future of technology? I've already mentioned how you can fairly simply replace the gasoline engine with some other power source.
    and the fact your car is lugging around a big bank of batteries as deadweight.

    The batteries are no more dead weight than a tank of gasoline.

    Jan 15, 04:11 PM
    Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.

    I agree. It's a machine for a particular kind of user, one who values portability above all else. Looked at that way instead of from the "gee, it lacks...." point of view, it makes a lot of sense.

    What often gets lost in these wish-list, "it should be easy to do THIS" discussions is the reality that all machines are compromises. What we get is driven by a lot of factors far beyond what is theoretically possible in a perfect world. Parts availability, cost of manufacture, market forces, engineering tradeoffs, etc. etc.

    You need ports and an internal optical drive? You'll just have to live with a chassis big enough to hold them. Like that oh-so-CLUNKY (I mean it's a whole INCH thick! Horrors!), terribly obsolescent, dinosaur-like MacBook Pro. :rolleyes:

    Dec 13, 08:28 PM
    Yeah, that would be a complete disaster. Everyone knows after christmas, people are broke and unwilling to spend a dime until hopefully April.

    Depends on your business but I get what your saying. Apple announces in January, this gives time for people to save and create hype over the white model.

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