Sunday, May 29, 2011

justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march

justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • nagromme
    Oct 4, 01:06 PM

    1 in 5 MacRumors voters think someone else should keynote MacWorld SF :)

    But who? A possible clue:

    I received an email form letter directly from Phil Schiller today, asking me to vote negative on this story. From what I hear in the forums, Phil has sent a LOT of these out today.

    Very interesting.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • ctdonath
    Sep 29, 09:24 AM
    by current standards around here, not having a private bathroom for EACH bedroom, and a LARGE closet, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub?

    Sounds like a naysayer's talking points.

    "by current standards in the computer industry, not having a port for EACH peripheral, and a LARGE storage device, is pretty substandard. Also, to only have *1* source of apps rather than 2 or more is not good. No big/dual screen? Full sized keyboard with cursor & numerics? Multicore processor? Printer/scanner? Upgradable memory? Separate user logins or guest access (kids, co-worker, etc.)? Native compiler? Wired networking?"

    This house will become as lauded for minimalism perfected as his product line.

    A few years into my 2500+ sq ft home, I'm realizing how little of it we use, and the poor (albeit normal) layout thereof. Jobs' layout is right: one floor should for, as ArtOfWarfare put it, eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing - once you go to that floor, you can stay there to satisfy those prolonged basic needs; should you wish to transition to other activities, you go to another floor (or building) so situated. I like it, a nice scalable design. Cross the space layout of Jobs' home with the environment-friendly design of Bush's home and the result would be awesome.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • Sport73
    Sep 12, 08:43 AM
    My predictions:

    1. iTunes Movie Store with Disney and Lion's Gate. Pixar film "Cars" available for download immediately ahead of DVD release! Movies are DVD quality, and cost $14.99 including a version playable on your iPod.

    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    3. One more thing...Watching TV & Movies on the road is great, but where most people enjoy these things is on TV. New device. Streams movies to your TV from your Mac. Front Row interface, HDMI output, Apple remote. Also, Front Row 2.0. Not a WiFi device. Uses dedicated spectrum for quality. (8MB embedded Flash RAM cache allows films to stream uninterupted). New features, including movie and music purchases within the interface. Available for download today so you can upgrade your Home Theater Mac Mini.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • gaseby
    Aug 2, 02:58 PM
    I have had a chance to browse through the reply (allthough parts of it was cencored):
    - License agreement. Apple distinguish between license agreement for iTunes Jukebox and iTunes Music Store and they mean the government have been mixin this up
    - License agreement. They will do som smaller adjustments (clarifications) around the issue of changes to the license agreement would have effect on previously purchased music, the intention was not to have any effect on previously purchased music
    - License agreement. They will do changes so it will be clearer to the user when the license agreement has been changed
    - DRM, usage of iTunes music files in other players than iPod. They do not give in on this, their argument is 1) it is playable on the PC 2) it may be burned on a CD and played on other CD players. They also blend into the argument that Norway has a fairly new law with respect to music download and copy/usage rights and the different plotical parties and politicians have said "this and that" which may support Apples case. I would assume that sooner or later there will be a court case in order to put more details on the law and its interpretation. This may be it (or not).

    With respect to this having impact on other countries there are some arguments in the letter which quotes EU/E�S laws, however their DRM arguments is mainly reflecting their interpretation of Norwegian law.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
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  • gekko513
    Nov 16, 04:40 PM
    If AMD has cheaper chips than Intel that also fully support Rosetta and all that (SSE3), then I may see it happening.

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  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • dejo
    Oct 10, 07:11 PM
    Does that mean all the existing iPods that play video are somehow fake and/or unreal? ;)

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • iGary
    Sep 25, 09:44 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."

    1. Use parking break.

    2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.

    Report back when done.

    Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.

    That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.

    The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.

    I'd answer this, but you know, I'm tired of fighting sarcasm.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • samiwas
    Mar 4, 11:27 AM
    None of this has anything to with the massive cuts in education that have been going on for years, propagated by.....Republicans. You're making the very job that teaches children how to learn and grow, and practically making it a minimum-wage job. It's no wonder teachers are getting worse.

    The very fact that many teachers have to pay out-of-pocket for their own classroom supplies because their school districts have no funding is just mind boggling.

    So fivepoint, since the school districts already have no money with only more cuts on the horizon, where is the money to double salaries going to come from when the unions are disbanded? I mean, it can't come from taxes because you want those lowered, too. Apparently, school districts are just sitting on piles of cash that they are begging to give to teachers.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. Justin Bieber#39;s Favourite Girl
  • Justin Bieber#39;s Favourite Girl

  • Donz0r
    Jan 9, 03:02 PM
    OK, i dont know if this is a problem, but the URL of the keynote itself happens to contain a spoiler. Could be an issue.

    Nothing a couple sheets of paper can't fix.;)
    is there anyway for someone to copy the video to a different server? Exclusive to us MacRumorians? and post the link?

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • anjinha
    Apr 21, 11:23 AM
    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I was able to change the vote on your post back and forth from 1 to -1 with one click.

    On a side note, before I start a new thread about it, is anyone having issues with the ability to view PMs? I'm getting a "fatal error".

    I voted Skunk's post as well so that accounts for one vote.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • Poolo
    Apr 25, 10:34 PM
    Oh sweet. Looks really good, can always do with a bigger screen!!

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • NT1440
    Mar 3, 08:09 PM
    Wow. This is the boldest the GOP has been in a while. Not even trying to hide the fact that they're just trying to do away with union rights and the right to organize.:mad:

    Fines for strikes? Is there a link to the actual text of this bill anywhere?

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • eswank
    Apr 13, 10:43 PM

    I needed some new kicks after mine were torn up in Afghanistan. Lovin' these new Free 2's.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • JPark
    May 3, 01:53 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    It's not what the competition does, it's what the wireless companies are doing to the competition (and which they've already done to iPhones).

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • err404
    May 2, 10:06 AM
    I hope performance in gps accuracy isn t affected by it...

    Accuracy, no. Time to lock, maybe slightly when traveling (more so in areas with spotty data coverage).

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 06:53 PM
    ^^ is 200mhz really that important :p

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 19, 07:15 AM
    I've never, ever had a conversation about my phone with a random person in the street - let alone conduct comparison tests.

    I'm guessing from your thread that you porbably love the iphone a bit too much... Get out and enjoy the world. Perhaps leave the phone at home!

    Oh please! I think that statement would be better targeted at the people who engage in this childish behaviour. I was just the recipient, also they weren't total strangers, but they weren't people that I know either.

    Also, quite a few people in this thread say that these phones are the same price, well one of the main points of one of these guys was that he paid �100 for his brand new Desire and is on a �18 a month contract. In all honesty, that is a lot cheaper than any iPhone deal out there.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • thejadedmonkey
    Apr 13, 03:00 PM
    Windows PCs with enabled File Sharing (or whatever they call it, that new confusing Homegroup with a code or password or something) show up in Finder's sidebar. "It just works".

    Oh how I wish it were so. For the last year or so, I haven't had ANY windows PC show up in my finder's sidebar, except my girlfriend's Dell (go figure) which has 0 shared folders, and my desktop... after it's turned off- but never while it's on.

    It's actually really pathetic. When Leopard first game out, and I was trying to use a new Mac Mini in a networked PC environment, Apple's level II technicians told me to return it, and buy one in a few months when they had worked out the bugs.

    justin bieber 2011 photoshoot march. justin bieber 2011 photoshoot
  • justin bieber 2011 photoshoot

  • zim
    Nov 23, 05:52 PM
    Hmm. Anyone think that there's a chance of a price drop on the Airport Express?

    I got mine last Back Friday and it was discounted.. so maybe.

    Apr 22, 06:20 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue:
    Apple is not actually collecting this data, and this hidden file is neither new nor secret.


    Sorry to break it to you but a device that records my location and saves that for reporting back, or for someone else to read is a serious breach of my privacy. As I stated, the police were fully aware of this, making this privacy breach more big brother like then anything else.

    If anyone else were doing this, you'd be crying foul so fast but because its your beloved apple, they get a pass for recording your locations :confused:

    Oct 10, 05:22 PM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!

    Those who bought the 5.5g ipods lately probably are going to feel bummed.

    Apr 25, 12:21 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.
    It looks like a retina display to me. People often thought the display was paper on first glance on the demo units after the iPhone 4 announcement.

    Doesn't the status bar look taller? I remember a thread on here talking about how they overheard engineers discussing iOS 5 and that was one of the things that would be different. It was going to allow for an SBSettings type of thing and maybe a place for notifications to scroll? Anyways, cool. But I think this is fake.
    It looks about the same as my iPhone 4's status bar.

    Apr 26, 08:44 PM
    is that last code enough info balamw?

    Satisfying?, well that's pretty much impossible if you ask me. People have their own standards, some are satisfied with you understanding the basic language, some others just want to read perfect code or hear perfect English and can't tolerate a miss step.

    I say show what you got (even it's a poor language) and follow your needs because you can never satisfy people expectations. Soon or later, you'll talk as good or better than them. It's only matter of will, time and patience.

    I know they are all trying to help, but there are ways to tell people what they lack, and those ways are what make all the difference.

    You can point out an error and give solution (sorry, "find solutions") or you can tell that person to quit what he's doing because he has no idea. It's a lot easier to say, go read Apples documentation than to point out an error and explain it yourself.

    Sep 12, 10:11 AM
    Minimal impact, or importance, but interesting..

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