Monday, May 30, 2011

bunnies and kittens

bunnies and kittens. and unnies and kittens,
  • and unnies and kittens,

  • Meandmunch
    May 4, 12:27 AM
    Thinner and Faster dammit!

    I am already tired of my iPad 2, I look at her and she's all like chubby and lazy. The magic just isn't there anymore, I need a new girl.

    bunnies and kittens. and unnies and kittens,
  • and unnies and kittens,

  • DeathChill
    May 3, 10:07 PM
    I think there's something magical and revolutionary about getting kidnapped by aliens and overpowered by machines. You just don't see that stuff happening too often in life, and we need to enjoy it when it happens.
    Agreed. I really am upset that they leave out my favourite part though: rectal probing. Android commercials need more rectal probing.

    bunnies and kittens. and unnies and kittens,
  • and unnies and kittens,

  • Snowy_River
    Jan 9, 04:21 PM
    How long does it usually take before they post the stream? I'm dying to watch it!

    bunnies and kittens. and a bonus kitten.
  • and a bonus kitten.

  • Stang68
    Jan 14, 11:43 AM
    I will still be extremely happy if the only thing he announces is 802.1x capability for the iPhone/touch. Maybe it will come in the form of the 1.1.3 update! But, on to other things:

    Obviously a MacBook Air (stupid name)

    Movie Rentals

    I dont think a 3G iPhone announcement this early because then not many people would buy the phone until the 3G version actually comes out.

    iPhone/touch SDK demo.

    Finishes with a song by The Killers...:D


    bunnies and kittens. cute unnies, cute kittens
  • cute unnies, cute kittens

  • gkarris
    Oct 17, 10:55 AM
    Actually, the porn industry has gone with Blu-Ray.

    Where's this information?

    I saw a special on 80's technologies and had Beta and VHS on there. The porn industry was really the one that finally tipped the scales (especially the rental of it).

    bunnies and kittens. kittens and unnies. puppy
  • kittens and unnies. puppy

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    iPhone nano mock-up?

    Image (

    Nah, definitely a mockup lol


    bunnies and kittens. were unnies or kittens.
  • were unnies or kittens.

  • jessica.
    Apr 21, 01:27 PM
    What additional value does this provide?

    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.
    Exactly rdowns & miles01110. If people can't even adequately vote on a news post, how can we expect this to add any value?
    Use the Report Post feature to alert the moderators.

    The goal of post votes is to identify the comments that others most agree with or appreciate seeing.

    We ask that you vote based on the content of the post, not on who made the post, i.e., not target particular users for + or - votes, and that you not vote for posts that you know are inappropriate in the thread (off-topic, insulting, spam, etc.). But each logged in user can vote on any post as they please, without giving a reason, so being a good citizen is on the honor system.

    However, you should not solicit other users' votes for or against posts. If you see that type of request, report the post and it will be removed.

    If there are kinks in the system, we'll work them out.
    Honestly, I'd like to think that this would be the case but we've seen contrary evidence. Sad, but true.
    And it didn't even take me long to find an example:

    What did he say in that post that is so deserving of the negative ratings?

    That's just the issue. You'll soon find that the less than popular members or the members with less than popular things to say will be voted down. If it comes down to it and posts aren't seen by all just because some random members have hurt feelings over certain ideas then what's the point of being here?

    I for one feel that if you're going to have this then also allow us to filter posts by rating. This way you can truly ostracize those who have unpopular things to say in a truly effortless way. This site will soon be all kittens and ponies and a better place for those with thin skin.

    bunnies and kittens. unnies amp; kittens ♥
  • unnies amp; kittens ♥

  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:52 PM
    i don't know i still who they plan to sell it ... sure there are mac enthusiasts (i would take it too when given as a present) but 10 million within a year without any real range of products ...

    Did he really say 10 million within a year? Surely he jests. It's not even coming out in Europe until and if he's thinking 10 million in the US alone, um... that's like 15% of Cingular's customer base.


    bunnies and kittens. kill unnies and kittens
  • kill unnies and kittens

  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:27 AM
    I can't imagine why Apple would have an event like this if there was going to be only Disney content available.

    Could be another speaker perhaps. :p

    bunnies and kittens. unnies, and kittens
  • unnies, and kittens

  • MacG
    Nov 16, 04:17 PM
    Maybe the AMD laptops are coming today :eek:

    The store is currently down...


    bunnies and kittens. Tagged as: Bunnies
  • Tagged as: Bunnies

  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

    bunnies and kittens. kitten with two unnies,
  • kitten with two unnies,

  • pmau
    Apr 29, 05:13 PM
    I first thought that fullscreen applications are not the way to go. But using Mail and Safari in fullscreen is so much fun... I'm always diappointed booting back into Snow Leopard


    bunnies and kittens. Kittens! Bunnies!
  • Kittens! Bunnies!

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 12, 07:02 PM

    I wonder if they followed this abomination up with a full body cavity search?

    Who the **** is in charge of the U.S. of A.? Xenophobes??

    bunnies and kittens. Dust Bunnies aka Kittens | One Old Cowgirl#39;s View
  • Dust Bunnies aka Kittens | One Old Cowgirl#39;s View

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 08:52 PM
    I finally tried playing some of the campaign tonight. I've only made it about 4 missions in, but so far I can safely say, it is the worst thing I've ever played. It is nothing but endless sequences of "monster closet" events, with little to no indication as to what you are supposed to be doing, with your crappy "Partners" doing nothing but yelling incomprehensible things at you. Quite a mess.

    Yeah. I liked MW2's campaign better. It may be because I am from the DC area so it was quite weird seeing it war torn.


    bunnies and kittens. baby unnies or kittens,
  • baby unnies or kittens,

  • andyblac
    Aug 7, 04:04 PM
    the specs for the UK model has NOT been updated UK Specs ( compared to the US model US Specs (

    bunnies and kittens. Bunnies, puppies, kittens,
  • Bunnies, puppies, kittens,

  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    I promise promise promise its not a spoiler.


    bunnies and kittens. unnies, puppies, kittens,
  • unnies, puppies, kittens,

  • iBlue
    Apr 26, 10:50 AM
    Years back I suggested a thanks button but it went nowhere. In truth I'm glad because it was flawed idea and so is this. Of all the things that could really use changing around here THIS is what we get? I really don't understand the point at all but I can certainly see some big drawbacks to it.

    Firestarter had some good ideas here ( if it simply must stick around but I really hope it doesn't. I've watched it happen on other forums - it becomes a popularity contest more than anything useful, particularly if there are little to no controls with it.

    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.

    bunnies and kittens. unnies diesel kittens
  • unnies diesel kittens

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 10:41 PM
    Nekbeth, you didn't thank Philip Endecott, who posted the solution to your problem on the Apple forum about three hours before wlh99 posted essentially the same solution here.

    I did PhoneyDeveloper, it just that his explanation only stops the timer, if I press StartTimer again, the seconds continue where they left. e.g.

    startTimer 59,58, cancel.. startTimer 57,56 and so on.

    mmm.. I see where there might be problem (my fault, not Phillips).. I'll come back..

    bunnies and kittens. sexy unnies. Or kittens.
  • sexy unnies. Or kittens.

  • snberk103
    Apr 12, 11:10 PM
    Without context .... who knows? The story has been updated to state that the TSA does not do drug tests.... which makes sense. If there is another test, then it's possible that it's an explosive test.

    She (the little girl) may have the chemical signature for explosives on her. There are lots of innocent ways this could happen, from borrowing the sweater of her friend, whose father works in a mine, to using a fabric softener that uses a chemical that is similar to one of the many chemicals that can combined with others to make a bomb.

    If the TSA has a chemical sniffer at that security station, and that sniffer is indicating the presence of a possible explosive.... do you really want a TSA staffer making judgement calls on who needs to be double-checked and who gets a bye?

    We don't know what happened.... there is no context.... who knows....

    May 3, 09:23 PM (


    Apple released a new iPad 2 television commercial which carries the same tone as the We Believe commercial released in early April.
    If you asked a parent, they might call it intuitive. If you asked a musician, they might call it inspiring. To a doctor, it's groundbreaking. To a CEO, it's powerful. To a teacher, it's the future. If you asked a child, she might call it magic. And if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started.

    The new ad is on Apple's iPad page and YouTube channel.

    Article Link: Apple Releases 'If You Asked' Commercial for iPad 2 (

    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    That isn't it, because I can change the scores up or down (by TWO points) at will.

    Jan 15, 01:50 PM
    MBAir is too expensive. I was looking for something from Apple to be around the price point I can get a ThinkPad X61 from Lenovo.

    It's nice that it fits in an envelope, but that just makes me think it could be too easily damaged traveling in a bag everyday (e.g. too thin).

    I like the weight though. It's too bad that Apple couldn't get the MacBooks to be in the weight range.

    I can understand why Apple has it in that price range though. You are paying for the smaller Core 2 Duo and the size. They are eyeing the laptops like the Sony's and the Panasonic's. Those are priced in this range too.

    Oct 6, 06:23 PM
    ...where everyone lives, and I must be one of the few lucky ones, but I have minimal interruptions when it comes to calls, data, and other AT&T services. With honesty I can count on my fingers how many times I had my calls dropped... and out of the hundreds of calls I make a month the number over the course of a 6 month period is so minuscule that it is not even worth mentioning.

    I switched to an iphone (was already an AT&T customer) the day it first came out (yes I was the loser waiting in line on day one), and painfully paid the upgrade price for every subsequent upgrade to both 3G and 3GS (upgraded my personal phone to 3GS this week)

    I live in the Los Angeles area and have not had any problems with dropped calls... I do have data access issues when driving outside of Los Angeles, but I usually don't drive and read emails :p

    I will not make AT&T all good... upgrade pricing is horrible :mad:, their billing is horrible :mad:, the price for their services is high in comparison to other providers, their customer service is also a bit retarded (sorry) however coverage is something I have been lucky with ... :rolleyes:

    Aug 2, 12:50 PM
    Apple�s response is linked as a PDF. Norwegian text and partially censored with a big black marker.

    "We will not give up, we believe that this is an important consumer question and that the product lock-in they (Apple) have is unreasonable. The Ombudsman believes that locking music to a certain brand of player - is a problem that affects many people. Most people have cell phones that can take many songs, but all the music I have bought from iTunes I can�t listen to via my cell phone, she says."

    (direct translation and no cleanup so it�s a bit rough)

    -- TeppefallGuy Newsroom --

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