Sunday, June 26, 2011

happy birthday jessica images

images Happy Birthday Jessica from happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica! »
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  • raysaikat
    05-24 04:01 PM
    My H1 B is expiring on 30 Sep 2010. I have not started my green card process. Is it too late to start now?
    You can start your green card any time. The initial part is your employer's responsibility. So you have nothing to lose.
    Can I get extension based on number of days I have been out of country in last 6 years.? (119 days)
    If I include that is it still late to start and not worth my time and money? What are my options? If I leave the country and come back after 1 year, I will be counted for the H1 B quota?
    You will be subject to quota again, but your H1-B clock will be reset (i.e., you will again get 6 more years).
    I have MS in CSE from univsersity in USA. My husband applied for GC and I have dependent EAD till Oct 2010 but then he moved out of USA last year and got H4 to come visit. Is that application still valid for me to be able to get EAD extension?
    If the primary's GC application is active, then the dependent's EAD is still valid.
    Can he still come back on H1 B or EAD? Any help/advice on my situation will be very helpful.
    If your husband gets his own H1-B, then he can still come back on H1-B. As long as the GC application is active (no decision made, not withdrawn, etc.), then you can still be on EAD while the primary is on H1-B.

    wallpaper Happy Birthday Jessica! » happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica.
  • Happy Birthday Jessica.

  • jsb
    03-27 09:31 AM
    I agree about your comment on guest workers. But h1bs are also human beings. Rather than treating them like car imported from Japan treat them humane. Don't just think of h1bs as a number. There is a human being behind them. Its not easy to just uproot everything you have since last 10yrs and move back to where you came. This is not a treatment for a "guest".

    Also how humane is this for a country touting horn of human rights all over the world (read Tibet/China)?

    I agree and share your views on how someone should treat a guest, etc. But I just stated facts.

    Regarding open letter to Obama mentioned above, I agree with it one hundred percent. Focus of the letter should be (i) workers are highly educated, (ii) they are legally working and paying taxes, (iii) they are approved for GC, and are simply waiting for completing work on adjustment of their status, (iv) administrative inefficiency. Remember when one files for AOS, a visa is supposed to be already available for you (although due to USCIS bungling that has not been the case).

    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica
  • Happy Birthday Jessica

  • sam_hoosier
    03-26 10:18 AM
    I am hoping to travel via emirates to bangalore..I have avoided other airlines due to transit visa issues...any experince using Emirates??.

    I have traveled on Emirates to Chennai a couple of times but that was via London. Emirates is definitely among the top 5 airlines in the world in terms of customer service. Nice & comfirtable seats, great food, transit at Dubai was a breeze. Would definitely recommend :)

    2011 Happy Birthday Jessica. happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica~ ♡
  • Happy Birthday Jessica~ ♡

  • pd052009
    09-08 12:32 PM
    How far are we from hearing that H1/L1 is banned for Govt/Pvt projects?
    Good atleast we can have jobs, last couple of years tired of loosing jobs because of Outsourcing companies. Waiting for GC from 9 years and now struggling to keep the job because of Outsourcing. Big F for OS


    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday, Jessica!♥
  • Happy Birthday, Jessica!♥

  • cox
    June 18th, 2005, 01:50 PM
    Do you have a lens that will let you get in closer? I'd like to see a portrait style shot of one of the birds with the odd bills.

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. Nik, I was actually using a 600mm + 1.4x for the birds since Avocets and Stilts are pretty shy. These are just small versions, though. Ask and ye shall receive; here's a portrait cropped from another shot. For the full size (a little bigger, 1200x1200) go to my gallery :) (javascript:;)

    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday, Jessica! This is David Tennant and I, holding a irthday
  • Happy Birthday, Jessica! This is David Tennant and I, holding a irthday

  • putu99
    06-16 08:39 PM
    I am in a similar situation...I have been on an F1 visa for the last five years, and have just applied for my OPT. I will start work this August on my F1 OPT, and my employer was going to apply for my H1B visa shortly. However, my husband is on an H1 visa, and thanks to all the dates being current, he can now file his I-485.

    I would like to know if I can apply for an H1B *after* my husband files our papers for an AOS (I-485). The reason I ask is because I am not sure how long my husband's EAD will take to arrive (I have heard that perhaps due to everything being current, EADs and Advance Parole applications might get backlogged), and I know my OPT will expire next summer. Therefore before we make any decisions about I-485 filing I need to know if I will be eligible to apply for an H1 visa when I already have an AOS application on file.

    Thank you.


    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica
  • Happy Birthday Jessica

  • cinqsit
    10-31 12:23 PM
    I am trying to book an appointment at the chennai consulate through the vfs website.
    I fill in all the details on the DS 156 application and on hitting continue I do not seem to be getting the printable version with the bar code that we need to print and take to the consulate during the interview.
    Another thing is after clicking on continue I am presented with a page to fill in the DS 157 and petition details and after filling that, I just get options to save and exit or go back.
    I am not getting options to select a date to schedule the interview.
    Any one who has done this recently please hlep, I am stuck witth this stupid thing for a couple of days now.... Please help ;(

    Hey sorry to sound cliche' but try using Internet Explorer browser and
    make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed

    I recently (july) took an appointment for my relatives and saw a similar behavior - got an empty page after i hit submit - noticed that Acrobat Reader had been uninstalled recently...then I noticed
    that for some reason had better luck when using IE (was trying with Firefox before)


    2010 Happy Birthday Jessica happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica from
  • Happy Birthday Jessica from

  • Libra
    08-15 01:53 PM
    Congrats need4gc, now you can relax and concentrate on IV action items. Please contribute to IV in anyway you can.

    Sent on 07/02, reached on 07/03. Notice date is 08/13. Checks were encashed on 08/14. :):)

    140 was approved from Nebraska.

    Good luck to all of you. You will get it soon.


    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Dear Jessica
  • Happy Birthday Dear Jessica

  • lecter
    January 6th, 2005, 08:52 PM
    of the technique....

    on the back layer, use gaussian blur, then erase, getting a sharper than background coloured bit.

    add some saturation....

    whadddya think?


    hair Happy Birthday Jessica~ ♡ happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday to everyone
  • Happy Birthday to everyone

  • rajenk
    08-12 12:46 PM
    Thank you all for your response.

    The reason for my opening a new thread is to get attention from other members to get my question answered. I did not want to bury my question in to those lengthy threads, and the chance of getting such question answered is highly improbable. OK now to my additional questions on this subject.


    1. Did you guys receive all the receipts (yours and dependents) together in a single postal mail?
    2. If that is the case then in my situation should I safely assume my wife's application was rejected?

    Please respond I have only 5 days to re-submit a new application for my wife. If I miss it then our whole GC dream will become a nightmare:(

    My PD is 11/30/05 EB3



    happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica .
  • Happy Birthday Jessica .

  • whitecollarslave
    04-17 05:53 PM
    Interesting case posted by lazycis. This is a good example.

    I haven't read all of it but I gather that it is important to keep evidence of the fact that you were working and not fired or laid off during this so called "bench time". Keep proper documentation during this time. Keep records of emails, travel, internal projects, timesheets, partial pay, anything that you can use to show your continued employment. Don't give the the employer a chance to claim that you were not employed or on leave of absence during that time.

    hot Happy Birthday, Jessica!♥ happy birthday jessica images. hot Happy 30th Birthday,
  • hot Happy 30th Birthday,

  • tikka
    08-06 09:48 AM

    I will be there..


    house Happy Birthday Jessica “ENVY” happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica
  • Happy Birthday Jessica

  • waitingGC
    03-14 12:07 PM

    tattoo Happy Birthday, Jessica! This is David Tennant and I, holding a irthday happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica
  • Happy Birthday Jessica

  • gc28262
    03-26 07:10 PM
    I was on bench for 4 months in 2001. I have 2 times H1 transfer after that and visited India couple of times. I have regular pay stubs from 2002 onwards.

    Can this create an issue while IO is working on my 485 application?

    Have you gone out of the country and came back to USA on H1B visa after that ?
    If so, you are safe. Status is checked from the last lawful entry into US ( entry using AP does not help).


    pictures Happy Birthday Jessica happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica Jung
  • Happy Birthday Jessica Jung

  • chaitanya139
    01-22 02:53 PM
    Hello there

    I am student from Tri-valley university. On Jan 20th the college got shut down. I am working on CPT. I came to know about the shut down through my friends, with whom immigration officers met. Although no immigration officers contacted me by any means, my friends suggested me to look for another college and get enrolled as soon as within 30 days. While I tried to enroll in another college, I came to know that still the sevis is not yet released. Until the college releases our sevis, we are unable to enroll in any other college. We are elible to work only if we enroll into the college, get an I-20 and CPT. Now I am worried because until they release our sevis, the admissions in other colleges will meet deadline and what happens if they no more take admissions. Do you have any idea how long can it take for them to release our sevis ? Will it be safe for students like me hereafter to work fulltime on CPT ?

    Thank you

    dresses hot Happy 30th Birthday, happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday, Jessica!
  • Happy Birthday, Jessica!

  • paskal
    07-08 10:18 PM
    nice job


    makeup Happy Birthday Dear Jessica happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday Jessica “ENVY”
  • Happy Birthday Jessica “ENVY”

  • michael_trs
    05-12 02:51 PM
    Please review my ETA 9089, it must fit EB2.

    H.4. Education: minimum level required: MASTER'S
    H.4-B. Major field of study: COMPUTER SCIENCE
    H.5. Is training required in the job opportunity? NO
    H.6. Is experience in the job offered required for the job? YES
    H.6-A. If Yes, number of months experience required: 12
    7. Is there an alternate field of study that is acceptable? NO
    H.8. Is there an alternate combination of education and experience that is acceptable? NO
    H.11. Job duties:
    Analyze, design, coordinate and supervise the development of software systems.....
    Design and develop programming systems making specific determinations....
    Responsible for development of new programs, analyzes...
    Responsible for analysis of current programs including performance�.
    Review and repair legacy code�.
    H.12. Are the job opportunity's requirements normal for the occupation? YES
    H.14. Specific skills or other requirements: EMPTY

    I am not quite sure about H.6, H.6-A. My understanding is that a senior s/w developer position requires experience, at least 1 year. On the other hand Masters�s degree + 12 months of experience may exceed SVP.

    Thank you,

    girlfriend Happy Birthday Jessica happy birthday jessica images. Happy Birthday, Jessica!♥
  • Happy Birthday, Jessica!♥

  • indio0617
    12-31 07:52 AM
    Guys ,
    Is there anyone know whether H1 increasing issue will be introduced again in Congress or not ?

    YES. I believe that will certainly be re-introduced as one of the measures in 2006

    hairstyles Happy Birthday Jessica . happy birthday jessica images. Today is Jessica#39;s birthday!
  • Today is Jessica#39;s birthday!

  • Abhinaym
    09-04 02:09 PM
    That would be sweet I guess. My PD is Oct. 07. :)

    Same here. Would like the prayers along with waitforevergc....


    04-17 02:42 PM
    Filed Feb 22/06 got approved on March 7/06

    I heard that people who ported their Old Priority date are taking that long a time as yours. Is your a fresh application or did it used Older Priority Date.

    Else you may be a victim of IT issues they had initially with perm.

    Anyway, There is a long wait now for filing concurrent 140/485..

    03-20 06:50 AM
    I sold the house on H1 and there was nothing addition for H1 holder. It is just that if you have that property for less than 2 years then you pay tax.

    Just thinking if the new law for GC approved like buy a house and get
    GC then what will happen for those like us who have house since 2004 and sold one and bought another in that time period.
    I am on EAD now. PD -Nov 2003

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